
Friday, November 28, 2014

Ole Miss Birthday Cake

Cake for an Ole Miss Fan

It is the day after Thanksgiving as I type this.  Amongst many things to be thankful for, I am thankful for friends who ask me to bake for their friends.  How cool is that!

Birthdays come around every year, don't they?  I have a friend who has a friend who had a birthday...and is a football fan...of....well that is completely obvious...The University of  Mississippi (or as we down here say down here "Ole Miss")  Hotty Totty, goooo Rebels, and something about a colonel?  Can you tell I am not a big fan?  But I am a fan of cake.  So for a friend of a friend I baked chocolate cake layers, made homemade chocolate filling, made butter cream and cut out fondant accents.  The footballs were chocolate candies I found at the Party Store.  I just added the icing "laces".  

There is one major problem with a tier cake.  Transporting it.  This cake traveled well, but I put in a large cardboard box with clear plastic wrap over the opening and met the birthday guy 1/2 way. These were only 9" and 6" tiers so the cake was not huge; but just how can you box a cake that you have to have already put together?  And still expect it to travel well and stay moist for a few days?    

Check out the original inspiration link @
 My Mostly butter cream version

Well, the fella celebrated his birthday and is going to the bowl game this weekend.

I trust that the cake brought some smiles
that Old Miss hits a home run
makes the basket
ohhh yeah
gets the most touchdowns!

~All done the week of Thanksgiving...~
The week where our focus should be on giving the Lord thanks in all things...the week of turkeys and dressing and sweet potatoes and all things good to eat.
I close this post with an annonymous quote that I read today:
My Cup
The optimist says, "My cup is half full."
The pessimist says, "My cup is half empty."
The child of God says, "MY CUP runneth over!