
Wednesday, May 4, 2011


Let's start by saying unwashed berries will keep for days in the refrigerator.  I know that because....well, I just know.  Blackberries....Dewberries...I always get them confused.  But I believe the Dewberries are the big ones and they come first

Soooooo these must be dewberries.  LAST week, my husband came home with the cutest pail of berries that he had taken time to pick---a WHOLE pail.  Well, I was trying to climb out of the depths of pearls (remember Wedding cookie pics?)

and all I did was smile and say, "thank you I think I should make a cobbler."  Withing 24 hours he was ready to give them to my mother in law and I threw the pail in the refrigerator thinking, berry juice.  Somewhere around Monday, as my aging mind would have its way, I forgot and added sugar before heating and if you have ever extracted juice for making jelly LATER, then you know my delimma.  <sigh>  soOo  refrigeration--pot and all, even through Tuesday, and then Today...WEDNESDAY...I took out the pot, did a taste and sniff and found that the berries were still very tasty.  I've been wanting to try some pie crust recipes; but the Lord miraculously placed one of those pre-made pie crusts in my refrigerator.  I didn't, not me.... Anyway, out of my cold pot came 4 cups of berries into a bowl with about 3 heaping tsp. corn starch.  After a good stir I divided them in the four ramkins.  I greased the ramkins, cut out cute circles from the dough, made a little round cut (hearts would have been cuter) in the middle for the tops, brushed with egg wash and sprinkled with some of my cookie sugar (I think the regular kind would have actually not looked like salt).  In the counter top oven at 350 and actually cooked some supper for a change.  By the time supper was done, so were the cobblers. 

Notice the "salt" sugar....

Why every cobbler needs a scoop of 'nilla...

A little bit cool today, but we ate on the porch, deck, one day to be sunroom...oh, we just ate outside overlooking the pond.   My hurry up supper was nothing to write home about, but the cobbler was oh so good!


  1. Hi. Just checking out the blog.

  2. Ms Brenda I am gonna have to come get lessons from you. That cobbler looks fantastic.

  3. Thank you ouidamc! Just playing in the kitchen!
