
Sunday, June 19, 2011

Happy Father's Day!

May I say it's been a FULL weekend and I didn't want Father's Day to come and go without wishing all the Fathers a Happy Father's Day. So this is for all you fathers who have been fathers indeed!

I made my first cookie template!  Got the idea from one of my favorite blogs!  It was indeed a hurried job, but my husband-Dad enjoyed them and that's what counts!  One for my dear husband-dad and one for my son-in-law-dad....and two for.....just because.  I do not recommend baking and icing more than one layer in one day, but as you can see----it can be done, just look at the love and not the detail :)


One last picture to show you that even though you plan well, things don't always turn out

Don't laugh!


Okay, take a peek...

I told you not to laugh!

Adventure  I woke up at dawn to go outside to pick fresh blueberries.  Came inside and hurried to get muffins in the oven....only to discover I used an old and obviously not so reliable recipe.  Or maybe it was just me.  But the recipe is in the garbage and we've had a laugh or two over our "special moring muffins".  So, when things go awry reflect the true Father of all Fathers and have a little humor.  God does, how do I know?  He created the funny bone! At any rate it's 11:15 and I want to say:

Happy Father's Day!
phew!  I made it!!!!

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