
Friday, June 17, 2011

Pickles and Cake

Hi!  There are times in my life that I really wish I would pay more attention. Armed with my Mrs. Wages Pickling Lime...finally...and with help from my wonderful husband, the cucumbers were placed carefully into the lime water to soak. We can talk about that process when they make it into the jars!  But not today.  That was now two days ago. Directions:  soak 24 hours.   Okay, but I'm cleaning and doing "stuff".  So, last night around 11 PM  the alum water came to simmer for 2 hours.  I know, I'm a glutton for punishment.  But what does lime do after 24 hours?  I didn't want to find out.  So, as I said, drain, rinse and on the stove.

Now, what does one do as one waits ( it is 11:30 PM)  for two huge pots to simmer for TWO whole HOURS?  Do the math...pillow after 2:30 AM....

I know! 


And as a plus, we are having guests over tomorrow.  Even better to share!

Vanilla box mix with my homemade swiss meringue buttercream and strawberries. Mmmm!  You don't have to make everything from scratch.

There are so many recipes out there for swiss meringue buttercream SMB.  Find one that you can follow... like my fav: 

"1...2...3 Buttercream"
Love this video, she makes it SoOo easy!

For the strawberry puree, just put a handfull of washed, sliced berries in a bowl, sprinkle with sugar to taste and when they begin to make their own syrup throw in a blender and pulse a few times until you have a puree.  If you have lots of syrup, just hold back some of the liquid.  When the SMB is finished, drizzle the puree in the bowl and mix until you have the desired strawberriness.  Could that be a new word?  Frost the cake and enjoy!   We did!!!

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